Once upon a time, before the coronavirus pandemic era, I had the opportunity to travel
The Great Hack, Story of Cambridge Analytica in the Politics of Various Countries
The Great Hack is a 2019 documentary film covering the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica story and how

Story of Human Errors in the Chernobyl Disaster
The Chernobyl nuclear accident disaster occurred on April 26, 1986, at the No. 4 nuclear

Theranos and Elizabeth Holmes: Scamming in Modern Time
In the world of scamming the story of Victor Lustig is one of the most

A Quick Look at Educational Programs in Cyber Security and Human Factors
The “human agent” is at the center of all security systems. According to IBM, 95

UI Architect Vs. UX Architect
Within the field of Human Computer Interaction and specifically in the area of user interface

Should We Fear Artificial Intelligence?
Science-Fiction movies often depict human made machines or robots destroying their creators, invading planets, and